Friday, March 13, 2009

Kelleys Garden

We are a provider of rain barrels and garden supplies, located in Pinellas County, Florida. Our goal is to offer the most attractive and effective rain barrels at an affordable price. Our Rain Barrels offer all of the important quality features, look fantastic and perform at top level.

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What Can Rain Barrels Be Used For?

Rainwater stored in rain barrels has many uses. Some people find it mostly useful for watering Plants, flowers, gardens, shrubs, birdbaths, house plants, vegetables, and fruit trees. They help reduce the amount of run off water which collects materials that pollute rivers and creeks. A Rain Barrel can also help reduce the amount of water that may settle around the foundation of your home. Rain Barrels overcome water restrictions and save money by reducing water bills, preserve landscaping, and contribute to the environment! They provide an ample supply of free 'soft water' to homeowners, containing no chlorine, lime or calcium. Rain barrels conserve water and help lower costs.

Over Come Watering Restrictions

Tampa Bay area's water supply is in 'severe' shortage Tampa

Bay region has been under what's classified as PhaseIII

watering restrictions, which limit lawn watering to once aweek.

Those restrictions also limit the amount of sprinkling

forestablishing new lawns and the hours when

ornamentalfountains can operate. Now Tampa Bay Water has

asked the Southwest Florida Water Management District to

step up the limits to Phase IV, a level the agency has never

before used.

Link: The Tampa Bay News

We Have It All Covered

Our spigots are threaded for an ordinary garden hose, you can

connect a hose to the spigot and our barrels come with an


The tops for the rain barrels are well supported to withstand the flow of water and keep debri out.

The tops for the rain barrels are well supported to withstand the flow of water and keep debri out.

My Beautiful Strawberries Are Watered By Our Rain Barrels

My Beautiful Strawberries Are Watered By Our Rain Barrels

Provide fresher and purer natural soft water for your plants.

Provide fresher and purer natural soft water for your plants.